Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []
This pool is currently in maintenance mode.
Wallet updated and on the correct fork.
Contributor Shares
Rank |
Donor |
User Name |
Shares |
1 |
owlhooter |
161 |
Contributor Hashrates
Rank |
Donor |
User Name |
KH/s |
QBC/Day |
General Statistics
Pool Hash Rate |
0.000 MH/s |
Pool Efficiency |
100.00% |
Current Active Workers |
0 |
Current Difficulty |
1 |
Est. Next Difficulty |
0.00000003 (Change in 1 Blocks) |
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Network) |
1193046 hours 28 minutes 16 seconds |
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Pool) |
zero seconds |
Est. Shares this Round |
256 (done: 62.89%) |
Next Network Block |
1 (Current: 0) |
Last Block Found |
89,964 |
Time Since Last Block |
90307 hours 52 minutes 39 seconds |
Last Found Blocks
Block |
Finder |
Time |
Actual Shares |
89964 |
owlhooter |
27/09 20:32:45 |
100 |
89955 |
owlhooter |
27/09 20:15:58 |
4,310 |
78787 |
owlhooter |
07/09 20:30:13 |
10,308 |
64888 |
francophonie |
13/08 07:18:58 |
3,216 |
64870 |
francophonie |
13/08 06:48:24 |
242 |
64869 |
francophonie |
13/08 06:45:59 |
2,202 |
64868 |
francophonie |
13/08 06:24:23 |
5,742 |
64839 |
francophonie |
13/08 05:27:01 |
1,206 |
64835 |
francophonie |
13/08 05:15:12 |
816 |
64831 |
francophonie |
13/08 05:07:06 |
1,256 |